Digital meets analogue on Refract – the remarkable new trio album by electronic musician and tape loop specialist, MacArthur fellow pianist Jason Moran and innovative drummer Marcus Gilmore. The official release show for Refract will be at Public Records in Brooklyn on October 6. “Each composition served as a starting point…(’s ability to mine the song as it was being made created another dimension. It felt more like part of our music reality was being refracted back to us. In that way, intentionality was especially important, because any moment could come flooding back exponentially bigger.” – Jason Moran

“A fuzzy, warm world, as if seen through frosted eyes, the analogue pulling delaying, microsecond intervals of decomposition away from digital decay, the drums (of Marcus Gilmore) coated with particle layers as if once trapped in sandstorm, duststorm, firestorm.” – from the album liner notes by David Toop

Refract is the latest release from the adventurous Red Hook Records, which was founded in 2020 by Sun Chung after a decade-long tenure at ECM. “I love combining sonic worlds and genres – especially mixing electronics and acoustic.”